Deliver at Community Hospital
Register to deliver at Community Hospital’s Family Birth Center and experience the best in labor and birth care.
Call today at (831) 625-4704 or register online to plan your stay.
Benefits of breastfeeding
You and your baby benefit in many ways when you are able to breastfeed. Nursing your infant:
Gives both of you special time to bond
Gives your infant all the nutrition they need
Boosts your baby's immune system to protect them from illnesses
Helps your newborn gain weight
If you choose to breastfeed your baby, you can look forward to support from the Family Birth Center at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula. Your nurses have special training to help you feed your newborn. You may also see certified lactation consultants at your bedside or call them at (831) 625-4987 after you go home.
‘Baby-Friendly Hospital®’
You can trust us for the guidance you need because Baby-Friendly USA named Community Hospital a Baby-Friendly Hospital®. This honor means:
You’ll receive encouragement to breastfeed and respect for your decision
You’ll learn how breastfeeding benefits your infant
You’ll get help to start nursing your baby within an hour of birth and after you leave the hospital
Your baby will stay with you day and night if they’re healthy (or go to the specialty care nursery if they need medical attention)
You’ll receive referrals to local resources and support groups
Breastfeeding after birth
When you deliver your baby at the Family Birth Center, it's important to share your breastfeeding plan with staff so they know what your plan is. You can choose to:
Put your baby to your breast right after birth, whether you have a vaginal or cesarean (c-section) delivery
Ask us to help your baby latch on
Nurse whenever your baby wants to nurse
Learn how to pump breast milk if your baby can’t nurse right away
Give your baby only breast milk unless there’s a medical reason not to
Receive safe, pasteurized donor breast milk if needed
Breastfeeding tips and resources
How to get started with breastfeeding How to get started with breastfeeding
Hold your newborn at the same height as your breast, with the baby's tummy facing your body. Wait for your baby to open wide, and then bring the infant to your breast chin-first. Aim your nipple towards the top of the baby's mouth. Once latched on, your baby's lips should cover a large portion of the areola, with the top and bottom lips making a 140° angle at the corners. You should feel a comfortable tugging during suckling.
Tips for successful breastfeeding Tips for successful breastfeeding
Count on our experienced team for guidance. Remember these tips:
Feed your baby as soon as possible after birth
Let your baby eat as often and as long as they want, on-demand, at the first sign of hunger. Average feedings can take 15 to 40 minutes
Offer your breast for at least 8 to 12 feedings in 24 hours, although these feedings may not follow a regular schedule
Finish the first breast before switching to the other breast. Your baby may not always feed from both breasts during each feeding. Sometimes, your baby may want to feed two to three times in a few hours
Listen for your baby to swallow, which means they're getting milk
Time feedings and track when they happen. This will help you know your baby is feeding well in a 24-hour time period. Your care book, Postpartum and Newborn Care, has a feeding log
Avoid bottles and pacifiers for at least four to six weeks after your baby is born
What should I do if I have trouble breastfeeding? What should I do if I have trouble breastfeeding?
Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it's not always easy. Breastfeeding can take time for you and your baby to learn. While most women are able to breastfeed, some are not due to medical conditions or other problems.
If you are unable to breastfeed, or if you decide not to, it's OK. There are other feeding options, and you will find the one that is best for you, your baby, and your family. Know that we're here to help and we'll do our best to teach you what you need to know to get started.
Caring for your breasts Caring for your breasts
To prevent soreness and other concerns:
Apply nipple cream if you have sore nipples
Avoid putting lotion on the nipple. Lotions may clog the nipple and areola and prevent normal lubrication. The areola consists of Montgomery glands that have a scent and natural lubrication to help your baby feed
Use comfort measures listed in the Mother-Baby Care book you’ll receive after birth
Use expressed colostrum and breast milk on the nipple as a natural lubricant
Formula and bottle feedings Formula and bottle feedings
If you choose to feed your baby formula, your care team will give you a supply during your hospital stay. You’ll also learn how to:
Mix and store formula safely
Hold your baby in different positions during bottle feedings